How to Completely Backup your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 using Kies, Helium, or the Note 2 Toolkit An average of 140,000 hard drives crash in the United States each week, according to online backup service Mozy. Additionally, 70 percent of Americans have lost a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, and the average person now loses 1.24 devices each year—less than half of which are ever recovered. Unfortunately, the statistics are way worse for me. My laptop is currently in the shop due to a hard drive failure, and I don't have enough hands to count the times I've had all the information wiped from my smartphone. This is why backing up your data is important. Trust me. Contacts, pictures, videos, notes, saved game data—all gone—if you don't back up your shit. If your device wasn't lost or stolen, you may be able to restore all of your precious files , but don't count on it. We here at SoftModders have stressed the importance of backing up your device ...
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